Why use technology

Man is technology independent, almost all time people use technology. The work of people comes easy and light through the use in technology. People now can navigate around the world through land, seas and air. People can communicate people around the world and do understand each other’s differences- in races, language and culture is never an issue today, this is through using media that shows and teaches everything one need to know. Even synthesizing humanity is continuously being studied and developed; it is gradually improving and doing fine.

Reasons why use technology as well as the field where it is involved.

Technology Into Schools

1. Support Thinking Processes

Teachers believed on having computer-based technologies could provide support for thinking processes. And it is joyfully supported by student because problem-solving skills are being developed while having fun. Teaching strategies with the use of technology becomes effective and retain more than usual and traditional way. Students are not pressured in focusing to study because the instructional software caught student attention through the graphical and simulation effect the software provide. It also develops their visual and graphical skills as well as logical and analytical thinking skills through educational games and other software learning tools.

2. Simulate motivation and Self-esteem

Through technology student can find counsel and friends in social networking sites. In here, students can have someone to listen and understand one other; everyone can ask support anytime and anywhere. Aside from networking sites, there is an also video player site that showcases on self-motivation videos that explains about life and motivates viewer.

Through either personal experience or a review of the literature, many innovators perceived the dramatic effects that technology can have on students' interest in class activities and their sense of their own capabilities.

3. Prepare Students for the Future

Through the technology student is given an idea what the future looks like. Surfing the internet and even through television and radio broadcasting it tells the economy stability and newest trends of the world. All these, prepare the student what the course to the take and what job the world needed. So students can prepare ahead about what to expect in the future.

4. 4. Explore the technology capability

Nowadays technology vulnerability is pretty obvious to anyone. Anybody can explore the full strength of the technology. Everyone can have a chance to experiment and develop new things using the basic information of technology formation and foundation. Technology is open to everyone.

Technology in Sport

Sport is prone to human error. Why can I say this? It is because some violation can’t be seen by the referee due to some circumstance like blocking the sight. This common error is obvious in the basketball and other more game. In order to recuperate the problem using cctv camera and other surveillance gadgets can reduce the error and maximize the full and equal performance of the players.

Technology in Entertainment

Entertainment uses technology to make animation and graphical effects that makes the entertainment more effective and eye catching. It help imagination can travel widely and make impossible things possible through animation. It also showcases informative and inspiring entertainment.

Technology in medicine

The use of technology in medical field is very prevalent from time to time new technology in saving life through the use o technology in the field of medicine help to save life. Many medicinal technology procedure help prolong life and cure severe diseases that is a very good and useful thing technology help improving life.

Technology in daily life

Almost all the time, we sometimes don’t mind it. We use simple and complicated machines in daily basis.


Assuming you were tapped by the university president to evaluate the new enrollment system implemented this semester, enumerate your observations/comments and suggest possible areas and ways where improvements can be made. Your observations/suggestions should be properly validated with facts and literatures...(you may start with the diagrams posted in the strategic locations of the university)... (1000words)

Enrollment system of OLD Student of USeP.
1. first is Paying of fees (Local Council fee, Obrero Campus Student Council fee, collegiate headlight fee and Insurance),
2. second (For scholars) Validate scholarship at the Office of Student Services,
3. third go to your college adviser, submit or present all necessary documents, and secure a Pre-Registration form,
4. fourth Fill up the Pre-Registration form and have your adviser to sign it,
5. fifth submit the Pre-Registration form to the encoder and secure Certificate of Registration,
6. sixth (For scholars) Verify student accounts at the bookkeeper. (For non-scholars) Pay tuition fee at the cashier,
7. seventh complete enrolment by getting stamped “Officially Enrolled” at the Registrar,
8. lastly validating the library card.

For freshmen and new students :

1. first go to UGTO and fill up student records,
2. second paying of fees (IC Local Council fee, Obrero Campus Student Council fee, collegiate headlight fee and Insurance),
3. third For scholars) Apply for a scholarship at the Office Student Services, Enroll in ROTC or CWTS,
4. fourth go to your college adviser, submit or present all necessary documents, and secure a Pre-Registration form,
5. fifth filled up the Pre-Registration form with the sign of the adviser,
6. sixth submit the Pre-Registration form to the encoder and secure Certificate of Registration,
7. seventh (For scholars) Verify student accounts at the bookkeeper. (For non-scholars) Pay tuition fee at the cashier,
8. eighth submit all necessary documents/requirements and complete enrolment by getting stamped “Officially Enrolled” at the Registrar,
9. ninth apply for a library card.
Comment on the picture:

The flowchart as you can see, it display the process but the way the figures being presented there are some minor flaws to re-check and fix.

1. The arrows are not uniform; they are in different sizes which is somewhat ambiguous for we have learned that symbols in flowchart have different meaning. Likewise, different sizes means having a different meaning.
2. There are so many actors which are unnecessary.

1. Use a uniform arrow.
2. Use only actors that illustrate the appropriate individual.

All universities have a common enrollment system, the students must have to fill-up the subjects to enroll and have it encoded, and pay for all and any enrollment fees, but the difference and distinct between the USeP and other universities is the practice of implementing the enrollment system. Here at USeP, enrollment system for us is really a big burden for it lapses to two or more days before you will get admitted. How come? In some other schools enrolling yourself is a just a piece of cake but in USeP it seems as punishment. Is it a payment for a low tuition fee? It is actually not the intention of the university but they are so blind to see what the problem is and how to solve it. Here in USeP having an unorganized enrollment system is common view or scenario, so it might be the reason why until now it still becomes irresolvable issue.
Admission in USeP is really irritating to everyone before and even now. When I was in first year, I really shocked how chaotic, messy and disorganized the enrollment was. You have to line yourself in every transaction and the line is really very very long, and being a first year I am so blind about what was going on. I kept on asking what next where I can find those offices. It is irritating knowing that you don’t know things and having numerous students fall in line for each transaction. The most annoying part in the enrollment is those students who are noisy complaining and gossiping which pissed off the staff and people who are catering the services. So when both clash it’s become another reason for the delay. On the other hand, the hotness adds up the infuriating condition of the crowd.

That was before but now it still the same as before, improvement is really hard to determine. I was happy when they said that there is a new enrollment system for USeP. That time I thought the problem about the enrollment would be addressed now, but still processing the enrollment takes a day or more. Change there are saying and implemented seems so useless. The changes I see now are the following:

 New, bigger and nice registrar’s office.
 New computers in the registrar’s office.
 New Chairs in front of cashier’s and registrar’s office.
 Tarpaulins and pamphlets are posted in the wall about the enrollment process.
 The registrar gives the final COR.
 New Integrated Enrollment System .

My Suggestions are the following:
1. In my own perception the reason on the delays of enrollment is having much process that can be combined or merged into one transaction, to help student line no less than two transactions.
How to do this?
1. I want to suggest that instead of having an advising during enrollment why not doing it after releasing of grade. In part of the student as earlier you know your standing is easier to accept. In this situation student can decide to go on or not. While in part of the adviser, he can advise thoroughly the student what proper action to do and give a relevant possible suggestion at the same time student can also have a thorough understanding and view clear what the best thing to do.
2. I suggest that aside on the respective colleges have the encoded of subject, why not doing it in the cashier area.
3. We can observe that cashier have the heavier job, so I suggest that additional staff is recommended for every college.
4. All student fees would be payable only in the cashier, through this student will only pay fees in just one place and it will be written directly in the COR.
5. The student can immediately process the validation of ID as well as stamping on the COR and receiving student clearance be easy and less hassle.
6. After doing so, the student can now get his library card ID be validated immediately.
All of this suggestion is based on my point of view.

Additional inputs:
Actually this steps of evaluation I found out on the entry on the past sad2 student her name is riza eve gador in her entry on their sad2 subject assignment 2. After reading her entry I am awaken that I must not only focusing on the physical aspect on evaluating the enrollment system cause I know that involve the currently system being use. I must involve the database but honestly I know nothing about the database of the school. So I will present the following things to consider on how to evaluate the database. According to her, she didn’t know who the author of this article is, because she had read it on the notepad. The article tackles about “What to look for in a Database System”.

1. Does the system appear easy to use?

Assuming you received a demo disk or watched a product demonstration, you should be able to get a feel for how to use the system. Are the instructions on the screens easy to understand? Are there clear menu selections? Is there a logical flow of steps or processes to follow? Can you use the mouse to give instructions or move from one screen to another? Are the instructions written in English as opposed to "computer-ese"? These are a few of the things to look for in evaluating how user-friendly the system is.

2. Does the system have adequate installation and reference documentation?

Will you be able to install the system yourself or will the vendor provide this service? Are there adequate, clearly written instructions provided? Is there user or reference material included with the software? If possible ask to see written documentation before you purchase.

3. Is the database relational?

A relational database (as opposed to a flat file) means you can have multiple jobs in process at the same time, while keeping track of each one. For example, with a relational database, you are able to have dozens of active jobs, each at a different stage. At any time, you can locate a particular job, identify the respondents and the client associated with it, and edit information pertaining to the job. And even after the job is closed, you can revisit that job and identify all the details of the job, including the respondents who participated in it. A relational database has obvious advantages over a flat file.

4. Does the system have features that will save you time and money?

Look for the extra features that can boost your productivity. Mailing labels and reports are useful. Pre-formatted recruiting lists and/or sign-in sheets will save you time. Client invoicing is a handy option. If you can identify at least one feature that will save you a significant amount of time that database system will probably be a sound investment.

5. Is the database written in an application that is widely used and has a good reputation?

There are dozens of database applications on the market today. They vary tremendously in cost, ease of use, and popularity. Some database applications have very specialized uses. If the database system you purchase is written in one of the more popular applications (e.g. Access, Paradox, SQL Server), you will gain several advantages. First, your vendor or developer will have better access to technical support. This will benefit both of you if there's a bug or problem your developer has not previously encountered. Second, it will be easier for you to exchange data with other applications such as a word processing program or spreadsheet. Finally, using a popular application will give you peace of mind if you have an emergency and your files need to be recovered or restored. You are more likely to find help locally if your database system is written in one of the more popular applications.

6. Can the system import and export data to and from other applications?

Suppose you acquire a computerized list of respondents, along with their addresses, dates of birth, and other demographic information. Rather than manually entering each record into your database system, you might prefer to import the information directly into your database. A system that imports and exports data in the form of text, spreadsheets, for these purposes can save hours of data entry time.

All the mentioned above is a great help when evaluating a database system this is also helpful in our SAD subject.

Relationship Between IS Plan and Business Plan

Management Information System (MIS) requires understanding about the subject contents and components, and its essentiality in the society, and how it works and affects human life. Starting our journey about the MIS environment, we must first know what the stuffs we must consider in introducing MIS are Business Industries and Information Technology (IS) itself, and how they are correlate each other. This first step will give us the idea that IS is one of the elements in the business world, that is why as an IT students we have to adopt and considered the business industry, and how to link IT into its prospect industry. Based on the learning’s that I’ve learned in this past few years of studying as an IT students, I’ve known that IT is an helping tool for the business industry to progress and prosper .
All of the success in the business and in the field of technology is not by luck but with the proper, appropriate and correct management and planning. But as of this moment we will tackle about essentiality of having a good plan in both the business and in the Information Systems area. When we talks about planning it is a crucial task. Its because of some factors to be considered such as long time for hardware delivery, the difficulty of software development and the preparation needed for training and implementation have all demanded advance planning. This planning task has been primarily technical, specifically focuses on hardware and software and its relationship into the business industry. It is a preparation of one business or one system how to improve one's organization for the days or years to come. It is trying to respond in the changes and challenges that blocks the way of success. It is strategical approach of new ideas, new techniques, new business strategies and new systems, which intentionally gives a positive impacts in the business and organizations. For instance, the business makes a plan first before implementing something, like purchasing the new system for the new accounting system. Before the system may come in to reality it must to pass through different and formal process, the request must be done in the sequential and documentary way, like stating the purpose, the benefits, people involve , cost and many more to consider just to be approved. And for some like small business before they have a new machine it would be studied first if the cost would be worth to take the risk, and become the cause of the delay. After the evaluation if it really not approved, the owner would ask for any alternative that is low cost but functional though not so good in quality and performance as long as it fits on the budget, they will go for it, but still before it come to reality it passed to a long process and studied well by all concern. What I want to say is that planning done properly to find its effectiveness and usefulness in any organization. The way to success is the proper way f planning , predicting the problems that may result destruction and failure of the organization by having strategical solutions and plan to fight it up.
However, to elaborate and make a clearer view about the topic, we must first define and expose its real meaning that define by the author.
-Information System (IS) Today, James O'Brien,2003.McGraw Hill Company Inc.,
Information System can be any organized combination of people, hardware, software, communication networks and data resources that collects, transforms and disseminate information in an organization. While Business plan is a formal statement of a set of business goals, the reason why they are believed attainable and the plan reaching those goals.
Business is first established than Information Technology (IT). Filipino started trading through barter system until such time that we learned to use for business transaction. In regards on the widely spread of business throughout the globe, managing information files was done manually until during 1970’s. In part of this year, information workers exceeded 50% of the work force. This is due of bigger and longer the company operates the larger documentation files stored and processed, although in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. “IT” hardly exist still its compatibility and usability was not yet disseminated well. They were started using computer for data processing applications, their impact was comparatively modest. This was all because this change could not come too quickly to satisfy user needs. But, still people tried so hard to make things possible in which after late 1960’s, Information work grew rapidly. Through this responds we now make use IT resources effectively and efficiently.
Nowadays, proper designation and implementation of the Information Systems (IS) will become a big factor to the business prosperity. That is why Business plan correlates with Information System Plan.
The both elements are very important and specials in an organization. With the aid of this two, the business will prosper. Proper handling of information system will help in decision making while having a good business plan that will lead you where your business is going, it will be your map in your journey to successful business. It might be the road to taken be not so smooth but having a good business plan to address and overcome the circumstances that comes along the way. That is the main purpose of the planning, planning for the future.

How does IS help the business world?
1. It help in company's decision-making. Because it gives an accurate, timely and usable output of all financial statement of account and other financial reports and ledger. It also provide a more comprehensive graph that identifies the growth and downfall of the business operations and profit. The graph also see to it what period is the peak season and when it is not, when and where to produce and reproduce a product.
2. It makes the nature of job simplified and categories into specific job description. With regards on the job specification in the company in regards to Information System, it makes the nature of job for one personnel to furnish a more precise and a better performance in regards to its job, it will minimize multi-tasking. This will keep time the personnel to focus in one specific job.
3. Making use of latest technological trends. The newest technology you have the coolest, this is the motto of all the techie people says but in business not at all times, why? Is is because in the business world making use or purchasing new system would be very costly and complicated. Acquiring new system needs a proper preparation and planning. But we should not regard the facts that a having new systems will help addressing the company problems when regards to company transactions.
Components of IS Plan
1. Equipment 6. Financial Projections
2. Software System 7. Staff Development
3. Development Projects 8. Alternative Technology Projections
4. Database Plans 9. Organizational Design
5. Telecommunications Plan 10. Alternative Business Projection

Differentiate Information System Plan into Business Plan
Business plan has been identified as a summary of how a business owner, manager, or entrepreneur intends to organize an entrepreneurial endeavor and implement activities necessary and sufficient for the venture to succeed. Business plan is being used as Venture capital, Public offerings, while within corporations it includes Fundraising, Total quality management, Management by objective and Strategic planning.
When we talk about Venture Capital it denotes about two things: Business plan contests which provide a way for venture capitals to find promising projects while venture capital assessment of business plans focus on qualitative factors such as team. This entire collective investment scheme is a way of investing money with others to participate in a wider range of investments than feasible for most individual investors, and to share the costs and benefits of doing so. However, venture capital fund refers to a pooled investment vehicle which means that, primarily invests the financial capital of third-party investors in enterprises that are too risky for the standard capital markets or bank loans. Other capitalist are invested into small and less mature companies but expect so much in return, this happen because its one way of taking over the management or another way around but with purely the reason on investments return. Furthermore, venture capital investments are generally made as cash in exchange for shares in the invested company. It is typical for venture capital investors to identify and back companies in high technology industries such as biotechnology and ICT (information and communication technology).
Aside from being a business-minded you have a responsibility to have a public offerings which makes potential investors evaluation on perspectives of issuing company. IT is having informed the public of the issues that mainly concern on the people's involvement. Example of it is fund raising is the primary purpose for many business plans, since they are related to the inherent probable success/failure of the company risk. It fails when the number of availing the service are availed the fund raising but the return of investment is not sufficient nor never achieve in their target sales this is means company lose which mean that the strategy is not so effective. Total quality management

Total quality management (TQM) is a business management strategy aimed at embedding awareness of quality in all organizational processes. TQM has been widely used in manufacturing, education, call centers, government, and service industries, as well as NASA space and science programs. The basis of TQM is to reduce the errors produced during the manufacturing or service process, increase customer satisfaction, streamline supply chain management, aim for modernization of equipment and ensure workers have the highest level of training. Less error means near into perfection and so closes in to the peak of success and satisfaction.

Information System Plan corporate with three Framework:
1. Stage of Growth
Identification and initial investment it is somewhat the beginning use of the new system. Experimentation and learning will follow. All of this steps help the corporation categorizing the stages of growth, how the business grow.

2. Critical Success Factors (CSF) is the term for an element that is necessary for an organization or project to achieve its mission. It is a critical factor or activity required for ensuring the success of your business. The term was initially used in the world of data analysis, and business analysis. For example, a CSF for a successful Information Technology (IT) project is user involvement.
3. Business Systems Planning

Business System Planning (BSP)

It is another popular methodology for system planning which developed and marketed by IBM. The basic philosophy of BSP is that data is a corporate resource. As such, it should be managed from an overall organizational view point, that it can be best serve the organization’s objectives and support its decision making activities.

The steps in the BSP study

1. Gaining commitment. Commitment is actually having people willing to commit themselves for the project they are the: a study sponsor (who are the top executive of the organization), team leader (one of the top executive who is assigned to lead the project) and members of the team. The team leader and members commits themselves to build the project. The final study recommendation would be presented into study sponsor, for further reviews and ask approval to proceed.

2. Preparing for the Study. This preparation involves crating the study schedule, making out the list of executives to be interviewed, gathering reference materials, location and equipping a meeting room, and so on.

3. Starting the Study. First, objectives must be presented by the sponsor. It reviews initial preparations. To established technical environment, the overview of the company’s information Systems is presented by the chief Information Systems executives.

4. Defining Business Process. Identifies and describes all the processes of the business, such as product development, purchasing, marketing and receiving.

5. Defining Business Data. The data used in the company will be categorized into logical data classes. The latter is the information needed to be tracked such as vendors, customers, parts, machines, and so on.

6. Designing Business Data. Defining information architecture of the organization. The architecture shows the relationship between data classes processes and IS. Data created in one system used in another is identified that the subsystems can be identified either “create” subsystem or “usage” subsystem.

7. Analyzing Current System Support. From the study and information gather above, the team can discover which processes receive no formal systems support which receives support, where possible redundant system exist, where shared information systems are possible.

8. Interviewing Executives. The purposes of interview are: to verify the organization; to determine the needed information by these executives; to uncover their problems and priorities.

9. Defining Findings and conclusions. The huge amount of material gathered from research and organizational information, interviews, summarized relationship of processes and data classes and so forth. This all summarized information help in determining the corporate information architecture.

10. Determining architecture Priorities. The team describes the order in which sales are to be developed the highest priority systems or subsystems are then described in considerable detail for evaluation by the study sponsor.

11. Reviewing Information Resource Management. Having a thorough probing and scrutinizing the business process, the team now study the company's information systems management policies in order to identifies objectives, financial, applications and data.

12. Developing Recommendations And an Action Plan. This step is producing the final set and recommendation and action plan.

13. Reporting Results. In this stage the team hopes to gain approval from the study sponsor to proceed with this recommendation and action plan.

14. Overview of follow-up activities. BSP manual stresses the importance various people including the users. The manual also describes various aspects of the follow-up activities such as implementing changes, maintaining and refining the architecture developing the first system.

4. Investment Strategy Analysis
This is all about having a planning where the money should be invested which at the same will make the turn-over double or more. This is thinking all possible event that might in the business, and tried to address it.

Significant of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people. Various business analysis techniques can be used in strategic planning, including SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats ), PEST analysis (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological), STEER analysis (Socio-cultural, Technological, Economic, Ecological, and Regulatory factors), and EPISTEL (Environment, Political, Informatic, Social, Technological, Economic and Legal). All possible factors are being held together and tried to come a solution to address all of this. This is the way of having a strategize action on the future that held to shield the company for the possible circumstances that brings the company at stake. Strategic Plan is your wiping tool in cleansing up your way in the future.

Characteristics of a Quality ISP

A quality ISP must exhibit five distinct characteristics before it is useful. These five are presented in the table that follows.

a.) Timely- The ISP must be timely. An ISP that is created long after it is needed is useless. In almost all cases, it makes no sense to take longer to plan work than to perform the work planned.

b.) Useable- The ISP must be useable. It must be so for all the projects as well as for each project. The ISP should exist in sections that once adopted can be parceled out to project managers and immediately started.

c.) Maintainable -The ISP should be maintainable. New business opportunities, new computers, business mergers, etc. all affect the ISP. The ISP must support quick changes to the estimates, technologies employed, and possibly even to the fundamental project sequences. Once these changes are accomplished, the new ISP should be just a few computer program executions away.

d.) Quality- While the ISP must be a quality product, no ISP is ever perfect on the first try. As the ISP is executed, the metrics employed to derive the individual project estimates become refined as a consequence of new hardware technologies, code generators, techniques, or faster working staff. As these changes occur, their effects should be installable into the data that supports ISP computation. In short, the ISP is a living document. It should be updated with every technology event, and certainly no less often than quarterly.

e.) Reproducible The ISP must be reproducible. That is, when its development activities are performed by any other staff, the ISP produced should essentially be the same. The ISP should not significantly vary by staff assigned.

Business Plans and IS Plan written primarily for use within the company generally stresses the benefits that will result from implementation of the plan. These may include improved and more consistent performance, improved coordination and consistency among various segments of the company, greater ability to measure performance, empowerment of the work force, and a better motivated and educated work force. The plan provides a comprehensive framework and direction for ongoing operations.

It is also use to identify the company's strengths and weaknesses, potential problems, and emerging issues. They set forth performance standards on which expectations will be based, and clearly define goals and objectives to allow for coordination and better communication between all company areas. All these elements are taking impart in the industry because it is their map for giving a clearer view about the future struggles and difficulties. All of this is commonly use by the organization, because without this is like putting yourself in war without bringing any weapon to defend yourself, it surely kills you without a fight. Having no Strategic Plan and business Plan is a suicidal, you are putting the company at stake. Therefore, always be vigilant and always be prepared, by doing this will be key to succeed.
